Useful Links
Please find a list of useful links below that we feel may be of interest to you and your child. Please click the link buttons on the right to access the links.
Australian Parenting Website
Australian Children's Education & Care Quality Authority, or ACECQA, enforce and regulate the National Quality Framework (NQF) which sets the level of safety and care and establishes higher standards for all education and care services in Australia.
Starting Blocks -Starting Blocks provides parents with information about early childhood education and care.
The Department of Education & Communities (DEC), through the Early Childhood Education & Care Directorate, regulates the operation of early childhood education and care services for children from birth to school age. The department also provides some funding to education and care services.
NSW Health cover all aspects of public health in NSW. There is useful information, as well as health alerts to be accessed here.
Early Childhood Australia (ECA) advocates to ensure equality, social justice and quality in all issues relating to the education and care of children from birth to eight years.
Munch and Move is is a NSW Health initiative that supports the healthy development of children birth to 5 years by promoting physical activity, healthy eating and reduced small screen time.
ABC Reading Eggs makes learning to read interesting and engaging for kids, with great online reading games and activities. A free trial is available.
On this website you will find information about current news and events, resources and information sheets to help keep children safe.
Cancer Council Australia advises the Australian Government and other bodies on practices and policies to help prevent, detect and treat cancer. We also advocate for the rights of cancer patients for best treatment and supportive care. Sun safety, nutrition and other information is available on their site.
Red Nose Safe Sleeping Information -The latest evidence-based advice from Red Nose on sleeping baby safely.
Child Safe Standards.